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Thursday, August 5

Well-Done Thursday

For a long time now, people have been more aware of what they eat, do and what they expose themselves to There is an aim to become a better person both in and out. Some visit the gym, some read more, some eat less, some eat more, some take vitamins and some just take time to look around and acknowledge the wonders of God's work. Creation.

Well that's what Thursdays are about, taking the time to do better, feel better, see better and live better. As a HR graduate I learnt about the term "Work-Life Balance". Not everyone has that. Some feel that they have to keep working to support their families, a lifestyle or whatever the case may be. And they are correct you have to work to support yourself. The Bible says;

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living" 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
But you have to catch the balance. One of my favorite saying from my pastor is "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But all play and no work makes Jake a lazy boy". So a balance is important.

Life is good and we should learn to appreciate it. During this "tough" economy, I've learnt how to enjoy life without spending too much..sometimes spending nothing at all..but TIME... and we all have time. We just have to learn to manage it well. Give up a few things to gain a few GOOD things.

Thursdays on Talithazye will talk about wellness and how we can add years to our life by just de-stressing and letting somethings be. I'll talk about the journeys some have embarked on to better themselves. Nothing is ever too small. It will range from using more natural products and less chemicals, eating better, affordable vacations one can take and so forth.

If you have any ideas that you would love to share, please write to me. Tell me how you have made your life (physically) much better. It can even be a walk in the park. Nothing is too small.
I look forward to hearing from you at

Stay Well xox

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