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Tuesday, August 3

Show your Diamonds

Mother, entrepreneur and now author has recently had her first book published. I am proud of her. I once wrote a book when I was 19 but never had it published. I can't remember why. But I can honestly say, I know that like any part of the entertainment industry - including writing- it isn't a cake walk.
I am honored to be able to be able to interview E.J.Diamond. This is a very busy time for her. Thank you in advance. Please read a little about what she had to say during a brief interview we were able to schedule.

Ms E.J.Diamond a pleasure to interview you. Please tell us about your work. 
         First, thanks for allowing me to share my passion with the growth of your blog! I’m really honored.  My objective is to get my characters out on paper, from pen to computer, screen to my publisher, then to the readers. I love to read, myself, and I simply want others to enjoy reading my characters. Entering their lives and, maybe even learning some lessons from them. I am a writer and have been writing since I was a young girl. My grandmother, Pearl, helped me go from just writing things down to creatively writing.  
       I want to target readers of all sorts. I write mainly romance, happily ever after type novels and short stories. My stories are based on love, faith and the will that love conquers all. My grandmother inspired me to be creative in my writing, my characters inspired me to write them down and let them breathe and my twins have inspired me to get published, as did another author, Kristin Rosin. So I have a lot of thanking to do!

Since you began, how has writing been for you? What new things have you been exposed to in this industry? Since, I received the email that Publish America was going to be publishing my book, my life has been one big roller coaster. Nothing chaotic, but it feels like its getting there. With editing, getting my name out there, marketing, seeing how someone is willing to review the book, finding time to revise contracts, learning about the book industry in more depth, these things have kept me busy. I am happy for the extra busyness and love the challenge of work, motherhood and being an author entails. 

Does your writing still excite you? If so, how do you remain excited by what you do? If not, how do you keep going? 
Writing EXCITES me to death! I love writing and I love being a published author. It brings me great joy that many more are going to see my work. I keep up the hope and remain excited about the prospect of at least ONE of my books getting out there. I think to myself, what if someone is walking down the street, sees me and asks me for an autograph or says I’m their favorite author…that helps keep me excited as well.
What’s the one unexpected situation or circumstance you have faced since launching? One thing I fear is that no readers will read my book; no one will take an interest. I worry I’ll be rejected by my publisher before the book hits the stands. I can’t dwell on those things but I’m also a realist and I know those things could happen. I keep my prayers up though and rely on God and just hope they see my characters as I do.

Where can readers read more about your E.J.Diamond, or get in touch? 
I am in so many places at once! I love being able to reach out to my fans, readers, anyone interested in anything I do and what’s going to happen in the future. I’ve listed my contact information for you!

At the time this interview took place E.J.Diamonds book was in the process of being published. I have just been updated with the news that the book "Beauty and Her Beast" can be purchased. Please email her with your request and enjoy



Anonymous said...

This is very awesome! I love the story!

Vivian Swift said...

I am very proud of you neice, I wish you all the best God has to offer.
Aunt Vivian

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