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Tuesday, August 3

Getting Creative...Show and Tell

Good day to you all!
Before I tell you about today's topic I forgot to ask you something. If you have a testimony you would love to share please feel free to email me at Testimonies encourage me and I know it encourages others. The aim is to show how the Gospel has changed your life. I look forward to hearing from you.

Back to Hump Day! On Hump Day we seek to promote YOUR projects/business and yes its free.
I am not really an entrepreneur but I do admire those who step out in faith and just go for it..within reason that is. In no way will I promote anything explicit or illegal. That's just not my forte.

So if you have a site, a business, a project, arts and crafts you want other to see, buy or admire, send me an email at and I'll see what I can do for you. Pictures are always welcome.

In addition, I will be promoting businesses and project which are yet to hit the streets or things that have not become popular. Sometimes I just look in amazement how far technology has come. But on the other end of the scale, I think that we have come so far technologically, we have forgotten about the simple things of yesterday, or yester-year.
I am not here to discriminate but to congratulate. I look forward to sharing the NEW-NEW or the OLD-OLD, whatever tickles your fancy

Have a great one...Keep the ideas coming PEOPLE..
Happy Hump Day Everyone !!!

2 Days to go until the weekend.. you can do it.

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