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Thursday, August 5

Naturally Rooted

HAIR? What

Today's wellness concept is that of natural hair. I have noticed in the last few years black females are going back to their natural hair. There have been many reasons for this change such as wanting to appreciate the hair God gave them, being tired of using chemicals or just wanting to take a breather from the "norm".
Norm being the hair style they have worn for many years.

My hair is natural. I had cut my hair when I was 18 and loved my natural texture. But I looked so young, I looked younger than my younger sister who was 5 years younger. It really wasn't that much of an issue for me, it was the fact that I was being over looked when it came to being hired after graduation.

Just before graduation

So when I turned 23, I cut my neck lenght hair off. I was tired of having the usual "bob" hairstyle. So I told my hairstylist, whom I trusted with a pair of scissors, to do whatever she wanted. She was apprehensive at first, but when she got into it. She did a great job.

All 3 angles should help you see the transformation.
Since then, I moved to the USA and I couldn't find anyone to refer me to a hairdresser. So I out grew this lovely hair cut. And just grew it long.
In 2008, my now husband proposed to me and so I had a wedding to prepare. I had no time for my hair and so I began to wear my hair in braids and other easy to handle hair does. In between such styles, I began cutting my straight hair inch by inch and gradually I had none left. Now I am back to having my hair in the natural hair do.
I am now a mother and for me my hair and hairstyles no longer lie on my priority list, which is not good. I still take care of my hair, now even better than before. Thanks to the internet I am able to research products, ingredients and hair routines. Its amazing what you can find on you I was also inspired by my younger sister to actually take care of my hair by all the information she was feeding me.
I now have a number of friends on this haircare journey, whom if they allow me to, I will share their journeys to. Next week, Ill have my sisters take on it..can't wait.

Dec 2009 with my precious daughter
My hair is shoulder length now. Healthier and radiant. My hair is well and taken care of .. One thing down.. now eating habits to

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