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Monday, August 9

Free things to get in the UK

Hey UK family, 

Times are tough, but aside that everyone loves free things. I know I do. I am doing my best to find you all somethings that are free in the UK.. who would I be if I didn't. I can't forget where I came from and who I am.

My challenge to you, is to fill in or apply for at least 3 of the items below and send me a picture of your free goodies. I'll post it and share.. I am sure it will encourage others to do the same. Even if it is not applicable to you. I am sure it's applicable to someone you know.

This is dedicated to you, my UK family.. US family.. I got your back xx

If you would  like free samples of Bodyform Natural Range, click here. No, you wont get a whole packet, but at least you get to try it before you buy. You will have to wait 28 days, but who cares if its
Just fill in your address and that is it..

If you would like to go to the gym for free..or at least one day.. click here . Fill in your information and print out your free pass. If you want to join after your first day.. go ahead. Personally, I wouldn't unless you plan on getting your moneys worth. Walking suits me fine. It doesn't hurt to be in the workout environment. On the right day you may even get to join a workout class. Let me know how it goes

Need a pay-as-you-sim card? Click here and get one. It should come within a few days. Place it in your phone and "Bobs you uncle" you're online.. don't forget to top it up first. You can buy credit for you phone at any good supermarket.

Join Sainsbury’s Little Ones baby & toddler club an get a FREE Huggies Mum & Baby Bundle (worth £9.99) or 500 Nectar points and exclusive benefits.*
FREE Sainsbury’s Little Ones baby & toddler club welcome pack, FREE quarterly Little Ones magazine and money-off coupons You also get free access to the club website which is full of delicious recipes and expert advice for you and your family.

* To join Sainsbury’s Little Ones baby & toddler club you must be pregnant or have a child up to the age of 4 years old.

If you know me personally, then you would be my friend on FB and would know that I collect swagbucks. 
What are swagbucks?
I thought I would take some time to explain SwagbucksSwagbucks are basically an online search engine that rewards you with virtual bucks just for simply searching the web the way you would normally. Those Swagbucks go into your online account and can be redeemed for gift cards to a variety of places like Amazon (my favorite) or for prizes.For example, for 450 Swagbucks you can get a $5 amazon gift card
This is open to those who reside in the USA, Canada and U.K.

.It is simple and fast to sign up for your own Swagbucks account. It takes about a minute and is completely FREE to sign up for. They don’t even ask for any personal information to register. The best part about their program is once you have a Swagbucks account you can refer friends and family. In addition, just for signing up you get 30 Swagbucks.

I needed a new power cord for my laptop and I cashed in some of my Swagbucks for an Amazon $5 gift card. I had enough to pay for the whole thing ( aside shipping). I was very happy. Go for it, my next goal is to save up enough SB for Christmas. Search the SB store to see what you could cash your SB for xox

I promise you it is not a scam.

Let me know how it goes xox

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