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Monday, August 30

Words Wealth

Happy Monday to ya!!

We cannot start the week without an encouraging word. Actually we cannot start the DAY without an encouraging word. As I read my bible this morning, God reminded me that 

" For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,  are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Sometimes, the daily distractions will have you confused. " Do I go left or right?, Up or down? Eat now or later?" With what feels like 101 things to accomplish in a day, sometimes we feel as though we may as well stand still. Sometimes important decisions can overwhelm us and we just want to run away.

Well God told me to not be afraid, although this life doesnt always make sense, my life is in His hands ( which I know) and sometimes I wont always understand what is going on, but that HIS ways are WAY above mine..and that HIS thoughts are WAY above mine. So I need to be still ( in my mind and heart ) and let God be God.

This scripture can speak to you in many ways and not just your day to runnings. You could be fighting with an issue that you cannot see an end to..but God is on the THRONE...and our finite minds cannot comprehend His infinite ways...
Thank you God for being .....I AM!

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