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Sunday, August 1

The Gospel Changes Lives - Pt. 1

The Gospel Message: 

I am 28 years old and have been a Christian for 6.5 years. Anyone who is born again, will know that as a Christian we have been commissioned to share the Gospel with everyone. I am here to share the Gospel with you.

"For God so loved the world that he gave His only son, so that one who believed in Him would not perish but have eternal life. God didn't send His son to this world to condemn it. He did it to save it" John 3:16 - 17 NIV

Save it from what? Before I answer that question, allow me to get the wheels in your mind turning.

You take care of your self by eating right and exercising. You take care of your mind by educating yourself for example.But how do you take care of your soul, rather how does one save their soul?

The Bible tells us that Satan seeks whom he may devour, not literally but spiritually. In other words he desires your soul. When Adam sinned in the garden of Eden, not only did he sin against God, but made it so that we (the rest of us) would be separated from God. Before sin, Adam and Eve communed with God daily on a 1-to-1.

After the "fall of man", as demonstrated in the old testament, a high priest would go into the Holy of Holies before God and offer a blood sacrifice of an animal, without blemish,h unto God so that God's people could be redeemed in His sight. 

God love's his creation and made us so that we could have continuous fellowship with Him. But we are now born in sin and we can't fellowship with Him. Sin separates us from Him. We became separated from God because all people are descended from Adam. As a result, the sinful nature Adam acquired through his disobedience was passed down to all people, including you and me. Because of this inherited sin nature everyone sins. It comes naturally. Sin can be described as cancer that affects all.

But there is good news. This is the Gospel as written above. That yet while we were rebels and enemies of God, he loved us SO much he sent Jesus who was not born from Adam's seed. Jesus bridged the Gap between God and Humanity. It was His atoning death on the Cross that ended the separation.

Today, we do not have to offer a sacrifice, per se, to God. God provided the blood of Christ so the former act wouldn't need to be done any longer. It is not one's good works or being a good person alone that can get you closer to God. The Word of God tells us that God looks for the blood of Christ. In other words confessing Christ as your Lord and Savior and believing that He died and rose again on the third day will save you from eternal damnation with Satan.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you my testimony and how God changed my life. How I am able to commune with God and how the Blood has changed my life

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